
I’m fighting for you.

Meet David

I am David Marshall, a citizen of Snowflake, Arizona for over 23 years. I was born in Arlington, Virginia and moved to California at a young age where my father served in the United States Marine Corps. Thus, I was raised in California and graduated High School in Santa Ana. Soon after, I joined the United States Air Force. After my service, I was honorably discharged and relocated to Santa Ana where I joined the Santa Ana Police Department and served in Narcotics and Gang Suppression Details as well as the city’s Graffiti Task Force. While serving in the Santa Ana Police Department, I rose to the rank of Corporal and became a Field Training Officer. I retired from the Santa Ana Police Department in 1996.

Alongside my family, I moved to Snowflake, Arizona in 1999 and purchased a property where we ran a safe house for battered women. We ran this Christ-centered ministry for 7 years. In 2005, I was ordained as a pastor of Calvary Chapel Snowflake, a position I proudly fulfill today.

In 2021, I decided to run for State House to represent my home of over two decades. I am beyond blessed and grateful to have received your votes in August and November of 2022 to serve in the 56th Legislative Session and again in 2024 to serve in the 57th Legislative Session.

2024 Legislative Update from Representative David Marshall

2024 Legislative Update

I sponsored or co-sponsored 55 bills as part of my effort to keep Arizona safe, prosperous, and free. I have listed a few of the bills I was involved with that seemed to receive the most attention:
HB2073 Criminal justice data collection; system. Results: I pulled the bill before any committees
HB2074 Wildfire flooding mitigation fund; appropriation. Results: Held up in LARA
HB2075 Appropriation; STEM; learning; workforce development rural. Results: Held because of the budget
HB2120 Law enforcement; defunding; prohibition. Results: Held up by the Senate
HB2121 Cell-cultured animal product; prohibition. Results: Held up by the Senate
HB2274 Theme park districts; formation. Results: Signed by the Governor
HB2275 Settlement agreements; report; approval, (combatting the DOJ) Results: Vetoed by the Governor
HB2330 Fire districts; formation; county supervisors. Results: Held in the Senate
HB2371 Adult education; workforce development program. Results: Held because of the budget
HB2652 Study committee; justice involved veterans. Results: House read second time, held.
HB2737 Healthy forest incentives; procedures; extension. Results: 2nd Read and held
HB2779 Holocaust education; instruction requirements. Results: signed by the Governor
I co-sponsored an additional 43 bills that ranged from election integrity, border security, sex trafficking, federal lands, transfer back to our state and many other legislation.
In addition to fighting for tax relief and balanced budgets, I also worked hard to ensure that when government spent our hard-earned tax dollars, they didn’t just spend it in Maricopa County. Some of the local projects that I secured funding included:
$5 million towards SR 24 in Pinal County and voted for an additional $89 Million for I-10 widening project.
$3 million for a New Veterans’ Retreat and Healing Center in Pleasant Valley/Young. FUNDED
$800,000 to the Town of Snowflake for sewer and water pump station upgrades. FUNDED
$4.4 Million for road repair on Hwy 260 from Heber to Payson. FUNDED and COMPLETED
$2.2 Million for road repair on Hwy 260 in Pinetop. FUNDED AND COMPLETED
$1.0 Million to Vernon Fire District (LD6) to prevent firefighter layoffs during fire season. FUNDED
$4.0 Million to DPS to upgrade statewide radio system. FUNDED AND IN-PROGRESS
I was honored to serve on two AD-HOC committees this year.
The first was the hearing to confront Anti-Semitism on our college campuses.
The second was a hearing about the lawfare of Attorney General Kris Mayes. Through the investigation, it was determined that the Attorney General was in violation of abusing the powers of her office to go after elected officials and other organizations. The committee is seeking Articles of Impeachment to filed against the Attorney General.
My Scorecards from Various Conservative Groups:
AZ Free Enterprise 100%
Republican Liberty Caucus 97%
Americans for Prosperity 100%
Arizona Republican Assembly 94%
2024 -Center for Arizona Policy 100%
2024-Turning Point Action 100%

The 2nd Amendment was part of the Bill of Rights that was added to the Constitution on 15 December 1791. This amendment protects the right of any citizen to “bear arms” – to own weapons such as firearms. This amendment has unfortunately become controversial in recent memory: there are those who desire legislation preventing law-abiding citizens from owning firearms! In 2008, the Supreme Court ruled that the Second Amendment allows individuals to own guns. As your State Representative, I will always support and defend your right to bear arms and to defend yourself and your family.

In 2019 and all 0f 2020, we have witnessed our police, fire and medical heroes subjected to the terrible violence and discrimination. This past year, police officers were killed, injured, and maimed because of the lack of support from their administrators. As your State Representative, I will write legislation that protects our public officials. I will write legislation that actively deters harmful domestic collectives such as BLM and ANTIFA. I will write legislation that would deliver harsher penalties and fines for those who harm First Responders. I will write legislation to defund municipalities that desire to defund our First Responders.

We have seen enough evidence from the States that there were voter irregularities throughout the 2020 election. We must protect the sanctity of one of our most important institutions. We must restore voter confidence by eliminating corruption, increasing legislative oversight, cleaning voter rolls, and reforming our vote-by-mail system. We must have security systems in place to identify tainted ballots. To simplify the system, perhaps we ought to return the masses to in-person voting with two forms of identification. This would exclude people who need to vote by mail such as active duty service members and college students.

Schools forcing children to be taught through the lens of Critical Race Theory or other forms of Critical Theory such as Critical Gender Theory are stripping the individuality of their students and replacing it with a a collectivist group identity. Critical Race Theory is a progressive means to label the white race “oppressors” and the black race “oppressed.” It is a method used to divide people based on the color of their skin. The post-Marxist ideology is against parental desires and must not be allowed as a lens through which our educators educate in any school. I support common sense legislation that keeps the parents firmly in charge of what their children are taught in our schools. I support common sense legislation that supports school choice. When it comes to education – parental engagement is not the problem, it is the solution.

I am a pro-life conservative who supports legislation that defends the lives of the unborn.

The First Amendment provides that Congress make no law respecting an establishment of religion or prohibiting its free exercise. As your representative, I will encourage and introduce legislation to identify houses of faith as essential organizations – especially in times of any natural or unnatural disasters such as the COVID-19 Pandemic. This would be an extra layer of protection for churches and other religious institutions from over-reaching government officials. It would prevent them from forcing the closure of churches. People depend on their religious house for counseling, comfort, and guidance in difficult times.

Ronald Reagan once” stated: “A Nation that cannot control its borders is not a nation,” The current administration encourages the illegal crossing of our borders while neglecting their duty to protect our borders and the citizens of the United States. Their actions are treasonous. The definition for treason is “the crime of betraying one’s country…” I believe we should utilize our national guards to create a tent city jail in the desert where we could arrest, detain, and charge those arrested for illegally crossing our borders. After being tried in our court system and time served, we then escort them back to the border and have them leave our country. We cannot release them to border agents because they have been prohibited by the HHS from returning them to Mexico.

Thank you,


To our family and friends in Arizona’s 7th Legislative Disrict; I would like to thank you for making your votes count. I will always serve our district with honor and integrity. A huge shout out to our team and volunteers…we couldn’t have done it without all your hard work! All honor and glory is HIS!

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